Casa Orilla
Food Bank serving staples such as
produce, proteins, and dry goods.
El Mercadito
Annual Farmers Market
open June- September.
Home Food Delivery
Grocery boxes delivered
to your door bi-weekly.
Our Commitment to Health
At Cultivate South Park, we recognize the important role that food and nutrition play in our neighbors’ health and wellbeing. To acknowledge the generational impacts of oppressive practices, policies and structures that perpetuate food access challenges in South Park, we strive to provide foods that enable positive health outcomes, help prevent chronic illnesses, and honor cultural needs and dietary preferences. Our Food and Nutrition Policy demonstrates our commitment to the quality of food we offer our neighbors and serve as our guiding principles for food purchasing, donation preferences, and distribution of food.
Want to get alerts from us?
Text @spfood to the number 81010!
If you are in need of emergency food please call (206) 731-9937.